

When I came to Dr. Daniels for treatment, my health was dismal, and I was out of hope. All of my attempts at finding answers and trying to make changes on my own had failed, and I was unwilling to turn to the standard options to hide my symptoms rather than finding out the true cause of my issues. My quality of life had drastically decreased, and it was affecting both my professional and family life. Dr. Daniels was able to cite the root cause of multiple health issues at my very first appointment and gave me so much hope by explaining exactly what was going on with my body and how the effects were rippling out in so many ways. Within a couple of months, symptoms that I had experienced for years began to subside, and additional symptoms that I had thought were unrelated began to resolve on their own. Dr. Daniels not only has an incredible amount of knowledge in hand but is more than willing to patiently educate his patients. His passion to fight for the highest level of healing and quality of life for his patients is inspiring and rare. I’m grateful for the healing that I have experienced so far, beyond what I had even hoped for when I began treatment, and now have hope that I can heal to the point of living a completely “normal” life one day, something I didn’t think would be possible not long ago. I’m very grateful.